Saturday 29 April 2017

Sonko Must Go Down, Jubilee Leaders Led By Starehe M.P Maina Kamanda Vow

Numerous meetings to try and convince Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi Sonko to drop his gubernatorial ambitions in favor of former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth did not bear any fruits.

Instead, it seemed to only harden the controversial lawmaker resolve to go for the powerful Nairobi gubernatorial seat.

Sonko went on to resoundingly beat Peter Kenneth with over 70,000 votes to clinch the Jubilee Party gubernatorial ticket.

This development prompted leaders who were fronting Peter Kenneth to call for a closed door meeting to decide on their next move.

The Head of State was reportedly privy to the meeting.

The leaders categorically agreed that Sonko was a disaster waiting to happen in Nairobi county. It was not lost on the leaders the support the mercurial leader enjoys at the grassroots level.

Sonko abrasive nature, lack of decorum and managerial skills formed the basis of the meeting. In his defense, Sonko has argued that he will bring on board the likes of Jimnah Mbaru to help him steer Nairobi to greater heights.

In their assessment, Sonko would easily beat the incumbent Governor unless hiccups were placed on his way to thwart his chances of ascending to the top seat.

They agreed to clandestinely support Evans Kidero who enjoys a good rapport with President Uhuru Kenyatta.

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