Friday 5 May 2017

''Raphael Tuju Is A Crook He Helped Jaguar Win Nominations'' Maina Kamanda Attacks Tuju

Starehe Member of Parliament Maina Kamanda has accused Jubilee secretary general, Raphael Tuju, of interfering with Starehe politics.
The Jubilee MP claimed that Tuju used agents to allow supporters of opposition side to vote in the Jubilee nominations, to rig him out.
“I do not understand why the party leadership allowed nominations to be conducted with IDs only, yet ODM party was using its member’s registers. This is where the rain started beating us,” Kamanda said, Monday.
“Tuju should stay from Starehe constituency politics. Even the former secretary general, Onyango Oloo, did a good work compared to him. Jubilee should not favour anyone,” he added.
Kamanda was on Thursday declared the Starehe constituency winner by Jubilee officials. However, his main challenger musician Charles Njagua protested the results.

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