Wednesday 3 May 2017

Moses Kuria Insults Another NTV Journalist On Live T.V

Moses Kuria celebrated as he uses foul language to respond to NTV boss

While celebrating World Press Freedom day on Wednesday, May 3, NTV's Managing Editor Linus Kaikai shamed Gatundu South for using expletives during a live coverage of nominations by NTV. In the incident there were problems being experienced at a polling station in his constituency and a reporter told him- without evidence- that he was being blamed for the problems. Kuria had allegedly been accused by opponents of colluding with the county commissioner to rig the ongoing Jubilee primaries in Uhuru Kenyatta's backyard.

Responding to the accusations, Kuria known for his unbridled, impassioned words threw the F word in a fiery reply. “To the incident in Gatundu South, I can only say, all shame to you Moses Kuria for conducting yourself inconsistently below the dignity of the office and the title you hold. To our journalist Muriithi, I assure you this is not the last insult you will receive in the course of duty,” said Kaikai]

 Taking to social media hours later, Kuria responded to Kaikai in kind, using more foul language as he too shamed the media house. “To Linus Kaikai I say unto you. For so long the media in Kenya has exercised the prerogative of the harlot, the exercise of power without responsibility. You can use your platforms like tin gods and little despots all you want but I will never kowtow to media tyrants,” wrote Kuria.

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