Sunday 14 May 2017

I Caught My Wife In Bed Wth My Teenage Son- What Do I DO? (Full Shocking Story How It Happened)

I FOUND my son in bed with my wife. She isn’t his mother but I think it’s

I’m 44. My son is 19 and his sister is two years younger. Their mother died
ten years ago. The three of us had a tough time.
I was so busy trying to take care of my two little kids and make money as well
that I hardly had time to grieve.
My daughter always behaved like an angel but my son was a different story. I
know losing his mum hit him hard but I don’t understand why he blamed me.
When the kids got older, I realised how lonely I was and I tried to find love.
I’ve had a few girlfriends and my daughter was pleasant to every one of
Not so my son. When I’ve introduced him to a girlfriend he could barely be
bothered to smile and say hi. Later he’d tell me my girlfriend was ugly or
dull. I tried not to get angry as I knew he was missing his mum but it still
made me feel really sad.
Then I met a friend of a mate who was lovely and sweet and she made me feel
happy inside.
When my son met her he grudgingly told me that she was OK. My daughter liked
her, too. I was over the moon.
It was a whirlwind romance and we got married six months later. She made me
feel good and she loved my two kids.

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