Friday 28 April 2017

NASA's Raila-Kalonzo line-up a walk over for Uhuru, Jubilee MP says

NASA's presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga with his deputy Kalonzo Musyoka at Uhuru Park on Thursday. Thika MP Alice Ng’ang’a says that Raila-Kalonzo line up will be a walk over for Jubilee in the August
polls. [Photo:]
Thika Town MP Alice Ng’ang’a has laughed off and mocked National Super Alliance (NASA) presidential line- up saying it is bound to lose again in the August

In an interview with the People Daily, Ng’ang’a said that Raila- Kalonzo line up will not beat Jubilee in August.

The vocal MP said that NASA would have posed a challenge to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election if Kalonzo had been picked as flag bearer and not Raila.

They have wasted their time, resources and energy picking Raila and Kalonzo, that team does not threaten President Uhuru Kenyatta’s re-election,” he said as quoted by the People Daily.

Ng’ang’a said that the scenario remains the same as it was in
and that it will be a walkover for Jubilee in the August

Mixed reactions are being elicited on the NASA’s Raila-Kalonzo line up and whether the line-up has the muscles to wrestle Jubilee government out of power in the August

NASA unveiled ODM party leader Raila Odinga as the presidential flag bearer to be deputised by Kalonzo Musyoka at Uhuru Park on Thursday.

President Uhuru Kenyatta’ and his Deputy William Ruto have since laughed off the NASA line up promising to thrash it again in the August general election.

The Raila-Kalonzo lineup lost to President Uhuru Kenyatta in the
general election.

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