Tuesday 25 April 2017

Good News At Last... NASA Principals Agree On How To Form A Government

NASA Principals Wetangula and Mudavadi embrace as Kalonzo looks on at the inaugural NASA National rally in Bomet on Saturday./FILE

NASA co-principals will form a five-year transitional government if they win.
This means, the 2017 flagbearer will not be allowed to run in 2022, and will instead endorse one of the other Pentagon members.

Lugari MP Ayub Savula, a close ally of ANC chief Musalia Mudavadi, said the move is meant to “correct mistakes made by the Jubilee administration and return the country to the path of growth”.
“NASA will focus on empowering wananchi, uniting people and building the nation,” he said.

Among NASA’s plans is to reorganise the government, audit assets and liabilities, come up with plans to manage debt and strengthen government institutions. “We are only calling on the principals to announce their flagbearer to minimise the anxiety among the big team that supports NASA,” Savula said. The development comes after a failed report by the NASA National Coordinating Committee and the National Technical Committee, which threatened to break the opposition. The co-principals have hired experts to help lead talks. “The experts are helping our bosses reorganise the government and pick a flagbearer,” an insider said.
Both the NCC and technical team will be dissolved. At a three-hour meeting yesterday, the co-principals agreed to work as a team. They agreed that no one will leave the alliance. Documents obtained by the Star show the co-principals target 16 million voters out of the 19 million registered by the IEBC.
The additional three million are believed to be fake.
The co-principals are to sign a power-sharing agreement to work as a team enjoying equal powers. They will deposit the power-sharing agreement with the Registrar of Political Parties before making public their flagbearer on Thursday. Details show the team will revisit the Bomas draft in a bid to strengthen the Constitution. It will call a referendum and ensure Kenya is governed through the parliamentary system. Sources told the Star the team has divided the ministries into a pool of three - the productive economy, public service, and infrastructure development.

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