Thursday 27 April 2017

FINALLY! NASA power sharing deal revealed

The National Super Alliance (NASA) set to sign a power sharing deal on Wednesday, February 22,
– The deal will see the leaders of the alliance form a team to take on the Jubilee Party in the August General Election
– The power sharing deal comes after the leaders were engaged in a late night meeting on Tuesday, February
The National Super Alliance (NASA) has finally agreed to a power sharing formula.
The leaders of the alliance led by Raila Odinga, were on Tuesday, February 21, held up in a night meeting to craft a working formula ahead of the August General Election.
According to reports, the leaders who include Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula, will sign a pact on Wednesday, February 22, at Okoa Kenya offices.
The main highlight of the deal is the creation of a new office for one of the co-principals in the alliance.
NASA deal
According to the Standard, the office of Chief Minister, would go to the NASA ticket aspirant who emerges third in the alliance’s presidential nominations race.
The deal will see the president if NASA wins the election, exercising his power to create the office of chief minister.
“The alliance would then seek a constitutional amendment to transform the office of Chief Minister into that of Prime Minister as it was under the Grand Coalition Government between 2008-2013,” the Standard reported.
Another major deal from the signing will be the nomination of two co-principals who will lose out of the presidential ticket to parliament.
The NASA leaders nominated to parliament will then be given the option of taking the Senate or National Assembly Majority leader position as a compromise.
NASA deal
After the deal is signed the co-principals will send the document to the Registrar of Political Parties for safe keeping.
Later in the day the NASA leaders will hold a rally at Jevanjee gardens where they will address supporters.
NASA had earlier formed a 12 man committee to form a structure that can compete with Jubilee in the August General Election.
The committee is made up of Senators Johnson Muthama, Boni Khalwale, Agnes Zani and MP Timothy Bosire, former national assembly speaker Farah Maalim and FORD Kenya Secretary General Eseli Simiyu.
The NASA deal will also see other parties like Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) led by Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto get slots in government if they chose to work with the alliance.

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