Saturday 6 May 2017

Why Ruto would have Defeated Uhuru had NASA fronted him as flag bearer

The revelation by Wiper Party Patron Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka  that he wanted Chama Cha Mashinani  (CCM) Leader Issac Ruto named National Super Alliance(NASA) has attracted different opinions from both the opposition and Jubilee.
Ruto, Bomet Governor, would have given President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto a run for their money in August.
To begin with, Kalenjin community would have thought twice about supporting Kenyatta to retain the seat. There are chances that they would have changed their minds to rally behind one of their own to rise to power again after Former President Daniel Torotich Arap Moi. This would have given NASA an upper hand over Jubilee.
Secondly, Kalonzo commands a lot of respect in Ukambani. The Kamba community would have stood with  Ruto just like they have assured Raila of their support.
In Nyanza, what Raila says is final. The votes from this region would have turned out in large numbers like they did when he said Kibaki Tosha in
.The Western region would have also supported Ruto than President Uhuru Kenyatta. Residents of this part of the nation have lamented a high cost of living and lack of development since Jubilee took over power. The voters would have had no choice but to stand with Ruto.

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