Monday 1 May 2017

''The Momentum You Are Using To fight Me Should Be Directed Towards Improving The livelihoods Of Kenyans'' Joho Tells Off President Uhuru

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has pledged to hold tell President Uhuru Kenyatta Uhuru Kenyatta the truth at “his doorstep”.
After presenting himself to DCI team over his KCSE papers, the vocal ODM leader said he will be in Kibra for a rally aimed at sending a message to President Uhuru.
The governor claimed on Tuesday that state operatives were behind his woes after several agencies moved to question his documentation including taxation and education status.
He said on Wednesday that he will be taking his charm to Kibra in Nairobi.
Joho said the momentum Uhuru Kenyatta was purportedly using to fight him should be directed towards improving the livelihoods of Kenyans.
He further stated that he is in NASA to stay and that he feared nobody apart from “his God”.
During the re-launch of Mtongwe Ferry, a visibly uneasy head of state (Uhuru) said Joho should mind about changing Mombasa rather than following him since “he was not his wife”.
The president said that the governor was clinging on presidential tours at the coast to gain political mileage over projects done by the national government.
However, the Mombasa boss said he will be on the ballot come August
as long as he is alive.

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