Friday 12 May 2017

SHOCKING NEWS!!!! More Than 60,000 People To Be K!lled In Kenya THIS Year’s General Elections If Raila Odinga Will Not Be Stopped, Prophet Owuor WARNS!!!

THE MAN OF GOD DR DAVID OWUOR is the end-time PROPHET OF THE LORD. PROPHET Dr Owuor preaches the eternal message of REPENTANCE and Holiness in preparation for THE RAPTURE of the Church.
his Nov 19th 2016 Awor claims Nairobi will be hit by tragedy, heavy rains and hunger, accidents and murder!
The question is how will they happen, he explains that

.THE LORD sent him to all the continents TO PREPARE THE CHURCH OF CHRIST (=THE BRIDE OF CHRIST) FOR THE GLORIOUS RAPTURE, TO ANNOUNCE THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH LORD JESUS CHRIST, and TO PROPHESY THE SIGNS OF THE END OF THE AGE such as earthquakes, wars, famines, floods and distresses (Matthew 24:3-7).

He has prophesied Haiti Earthquake (2009), Chile Earthquake (2009), Global Economic Crisis(2008), Widespread Global Economic Meltdown (2011), Ebola Disease Outbeak(2014) , Nepal Earthquake (2015), Zika Virus Outbreak (2016) and many other major End-time Prophesies.
The words spoken by THE PROPHETS in the BIBLE have never died. THE LORD has also worked through him to heal all kinds of diseases under the sun including leprosy and HIVs/AIDS

He has prophesied Haiti Earthquake (2009), Chile Earthquake (2009), Global Economic Crisis(2008), Widespread Global Economic Meltdown (2011), Ebola Disease Outbeak(2014) , Nepal Earthquake (2015), Zika Virus Outbreak (2016) and many other major End-time Prophesies.
The words spoken by THE PROPHETS in the BIBLE have never died. THE LORD has also worked through him to heal all kinds of diseases under the sun including leprosy and HIVs/AIDS

“See, I will send you the Prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of THE LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” (Malachi 4:5-6)

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