Monday 1 May 2017

Shock And Surprise As Gardener Wins Jubilee Ticket

Gardener wins Jubilee primaries

A young gardener has surprised the country by winning the Jubilee primaries in Kiambu county. Joakim Mwangi, clinched the coveted party ticket for Member of County Assembly (MCA) Ngoliba ward in Thika constituency. 

Mwangi had been ridiculed by his opponents for constantly wearing one shirt during the course of his campaign

The 26 year-old gardener had to be financed by local residents and elders to for his campaigns ahead of the primaries. According to sources who spoke, the young man faced an uphill task to win the primaries as rivals spent millions during the campaign. Mwangi who had barely money for food resorted to borrowing from friends to survive as the champaign battles heated up.

Incredibly, Mwangi defeated a candidate by the name Johnstone Ndegwa for the party ticket who had brought celebrities to campaign for him

Tahidi High actor's Teacher Kilunda and Karimi had crisscrossed the ward campaigning for Ndegwa only for him to be trounced by the young gardener. Mwangi now hopes to win the seat in the August General Election as some of the losers in the primaries have hinted they will vie again as independent candidates.


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