Friday 5 May 2017

Please Help A Desperate Sister... My husband slept with my daughter Am Afraid Of Going To The Police... Read FULL Story…

For over twenty five years,I have been living happily with my husband. God blessed us with three wonderful kids,a daughter and two sons.
Agnes my daughter grew to be a very respectful young lady, she was very bright in class, she passed very well and joined campus. She had never showed any disrespect to either me or my husband.see
Three months ago,my husband told me that he will be traveling for business and he would like my daughter to accompany him so that she can help him accomplish some things and also to enable her learn more because she was studying the same career her dad did.
The worse happened when they came back. My daughter started behaving differently, she could not listen anything from me. I didn’t get worried because I thought that she had learned things that made her strongly as a woman
One month after this,Agnes started showing some early signs of pregnancy. She could vomit every morning and evening, she was also very high tempered. Thus became very suspicious to me and insisted that I take her to see a doctor.
My daughter turned to be pregnant and she refused to tell me who the father is. I used all means even violence but she kept mum all the day,I went out very early in the morning and left my hubby and his daughter aty home. By God’s grace,I had forgotten my phone. I went by to pick it from the bedroom. When I open the bedroom door,I could not believe my eyes. My hubby was on top of his daughter, ridding her seriously

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