Tuesday 16 May 2017

Kumbe Kuuza NUNU Iko Na Pesa? Meet The Mombasa PROSTITUTE Who Owns A 90 Million Mansion (PHOTOS AND VIDEO)

They said Kazi ni Kazi, and by the look of things people are doing what they can to chase that paper!

Meet Praxidese Khatemba Imonje Beil, a prostitute from Mtwapa who now balls with the rich people over her “viral” job. Khatemba, who now says she’s a reformed prostitute recently got married to a rich old Muzungu, Wolfgang Woll Beil, in a flashy wedding and finally got the money she was looking for.
Mpasho found out that this former prostitute was once a house girl who by the look of things got into prostitution after life went south for her.
WhatsApp Image 2017-05-15 at 13.21.55
We also got hold of the fact that she has bleached her skin but talking exclusively to Mpasho, Khatemba said that even her ass is as white as she is and she has never bleached.
The prostitute is now rich and according to her, she has a 90 million shilling house in Europe. Credible sources however tell Mpasho that the house might not be hers with people trolling her all over social media for what they term as lying to the public.
Here is the 90 million shilling mansion, Khatemba is talking about.

WhatsApp Image 2017-05-15 at 13.21.29

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