Tuesday 16 May 2017


. Jaguar Jaguarkwaja.jpg
Just some few years ago,Charles Njagua,popularly known as Jaguar was just some simple Kapuka singer with a measly fan base and little or no radio rotation. He wasn’t even among the Top Five of Ogopa Deejay’s top artists. He was just another singer affiliated to Ogopa Deejays with some not-so-memorable songs. And then all of a sudden,Jaguar went super rich! He did a song that ruled the airwaves for two years straight. He followed it up with more and more hits all of which sounded the same but still wowed masses. He seemed to have hypnotized the whole nation. He seemed to have cast a spell on the Country. He started becoming untouchable. Started hanging out with the best of the best. Entered the most secretive social circles in Nairobi. Befriended the President. Started partying with the Nairobi Senator and drove the city wild. His wealth too grew tenfold. And despite the fact that the Kenyan music industry could never make any man that powerful and rich,Jaguar kept flying higher. He claimed to be a businessman whose businesses no one knew about. And that’s when stories of his dalliance with the Devil started. Obviously,that’s just a rumor but there’s millions of Kenyans Who still believe that Jaguar is either a Devil Worshipper or a Drug Kingpin.
2. Prezzo
Where Jaguar is,Prezzo shall be. Prezzo’s past is riddled with all manner of accusations, some true some false. This is also a man who has loved probably the most atrocious and hedonistic lifestyle of any Kenyan man ever.His tattoos too have left alot to be desired. It’s been said his wealth stems from his late Dad’s herbal clinics but not everyone believes that. Prezzo has had the roughest and the most controversial run of any Kenyan rapper ever. His association with God seems undetectable and largely undocumented. Couple that with the sudden death of his Nigerian ex-BBA girlfriend and the rumors can only get stronger. Obviously,no one can prove them to be right. But still… The talk goes on…
3. DJ Creme de la Creme
The single biggest reason why anyone would link the good DJ and accidental sex tape star to Devil Worship,is the way he prefers to take his photos.
DJ Creme has over a million photos of him on the Internet striking the same pose ; his hand over one side of his face,with the middle and thumb fingers forming a circle around either eye. With the rest three fingers erect above the eye.
The hand sign has been largely associated with Devil Worship and Mr. Creme has never quit using the hand sign in his photos. Or bothered addressing the rumors.

4. Governor William Kabogo
He,just like Jaguar,share the same manner of gossips. Either they are covert drug Kingpins or they’re into Satan adoration. Everyone knows Governor Kabogo is fabulously wealthy.
Everyone knows this man has the means of a Dubai Prince. Everyone knows the Governor has famously claimed that if her were to arrange his money,a thousand note by a thousand note,it’d stretch from Thika to Tanzania. Everyone knows Mr. Kabogo owns a chopper. And everyone knows this is a man who can

finance the eradication of Polio in Equatorial GuineWhat can stop the rumors from flying? What?
5. Johnston Muthama
He’s indefatigable,invincible,daring,massively popular,incredibly wealthy and blindingly endowed. Nothing seems to faze him. He could buy off an Arabian Desert.
He owns property that would put an Abu Dhabi Emir to shame and he is said to be the single largest financier of the ODM juggernaut. There are rumors too that the signature Bakora that Muthama carries around posses the dark powers he needs for survival and to remain the Best.
Unproven claims. Still,they abound.

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