Sunday 30 April 2017

We Were Made To Kneel Down Before ‘Idols’ If We Wanted To Win The Nominations, Peter Kenneth Speaks Of Tribulations He Underwent In Jubilee

Former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth has narrated the ordeal he underwent in his quest clinch the Jubilee Nairobi gubernatorial ticket.
Speaking to journalist after a service at the Anglican St Stephen church along Jogoo Road, Peter Kenneth claimed that he was made to “kneel before a powerful government operative” if he wanted to win the party primaries.
His statement can be misconstrued to mean that Nairobi Senator Mike Mbuvi and Bishop Margaret Wanjiru, who were also battling for the coveted seat, went down on their knees to the unnamed ‘demigod’.
He was quoted by the Daily Nation as saying:

“We were told that if we do not kneel before this government operative, we will not win. But you cannot intimidate Peter Kenneth. I cannot kneel down before anyone, except in Church before God…”

Sonko was declared the winner after garnering 138,185 to Kenneth’s 62,504 votes. Bishop Wanjiru managed a paltry 7,654 votes.
Mr Kenneth called the elections a total sham: “People were transported from Machakos and Kitengela, taken round polling stations and they voted multiple times in circular manner, moving from the station and back to the line to vote. Total shame!” Mr Kenneth said.

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