Friday 10 March 2017

10 Reasons Why Women Moan (Or Scream) During Séx

I also wonder if they ever hear me having séx on those rare occasions I get laid.
Do I moan? Yes. Do they hear it? I have no idea. But the real question is: Even if they do hear it, could I NOT moan? What causes women to moan when they have séx?
I’ve narrowed it down to these 10 reasons. While I know I’m probably missing a reason or two, this list is based on personal experience and interviews with other moaning women. I did not interview my neighbor; that would be awkward. Take a look at this list and see if one of these numbers is yours.

1. Automatic Response to Pleasure

One of the most common reasons women moan during sex is simply because it’s an automatic response to pleasure. Just like sighing when you sink into a hot tub, the pleasure you get from sex can cause an audible and involuntary response.

1.Discover His Secret Obsession

Learn about his Secret Obsession and make any man completely addicted to you… [continued here]

2. Automatic Response to Pain

Of course, women also moan in pain. If your man is going a little too rough, or he’s hitting that place inside you that feels uncomfortable, or even if you’ve suddenly developed a leg cramp, you’re just as likely to moan in response to pain during sex just as you are in response to pleasure during sex.

3. To Increase Your Libido

It’s hard to move past the day and get over the stress of real life. Even during sex, some of those emotions can seep into your brain, or you could just be so overwhelmed with things to do that you’re busy concentrating on the grocery list and not the sex. Moaning is a way of getting your head back in the game so to speak. By moaning, you take your mind off your chores and put it back into the sex where it belongs—which is exactly where it should be.

4. To Make Him Feel Good

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Have you ever had sex with someone who was completely silent? It’s… well, it’s a letdown to be honest. I had a lover who never moaned in pleasure, never even made a noise during sex, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was doing something wrong or that he wasn’t enjoying it (even though he was). It’s weird when they’re silent.
Moaning is a way of reassuring your lover that he or she is pleasing you. You use all of your senses to have sex, and your audial senses should not be ignored! It’s important to make noises of pleasure so your partner isn’t put off thinking the wring thing by silence. Believe me, men love those little moans (and some even prefer the loud ones!).
Actually, you can’t imagine how responsive men are just to the sound of your voice (and the naughty words that come out). And if you’re not completely confident about your dirty-taking skills, the surest way to tell him how good he makes you feel is to moan louder (but in a more erotic, natural way… never make a guy wonder if you’re faking it).

5. To Change His Sexual Tone

If you think of moaning as a way of expressing yourself without words, then it’s easy to see how moaning can change your man’s sexual rhythm. If you’re moaning in pleasure and then he starts doing something you don’t enjoy, you change your moan to more of an uncomfortable sound…and he changes his sex style back to something you like. It’s a way of guiding him without actually “telling” him what to do. He uses this method on you as well; it really works both ways.

6. To Hurry Things up

Some men are so aroused by your sex sounds that the more you give them, the faster they orgasm. I’ll admit: I’ve “faked” an orgasm once or twice by making some pleasurable noises for a man. It happens.
Sometimes the sex has just lasted so long you’re exhausted and want him to be finished already. Sometimes you’re just not getting off and want him to hurry up so you can get on with whatever it is you were doing. As much as we’d like to think sex is always perfect…it’s not. Moaning can increase his orgasm time when you need it.

7. To Slow Things Down

Of course, if you know how to do it right, you can also change the rhythm of your body and the sound of your moan so that your lover slows down before he orgasms too quickly! If you’ve ever had a lover who makes things a bit too quick, moaning can be a good way of shifting his rhythm to give you more time in bed.

8. To Make it Hotter

Sex is hot. Sex is wet. Sex is messy. Noisy, loud, raunchy sex is even hotter!

9. To Turn Him on Even More

Source: via
If your guy is having a hard time getting aroused, moaning softly in pleasure as he kisses you can give him just the nudge his libido needs to get into the moment and more in the mood. A soft moan of pleasure works wonders before you’ve even taken off your clothes. Better yet, see how crazy he goes when you moan while having him in your mouth (just one of the ways to make your blowjobs fantastic).

10. Because Silence is a Mood Killer

Finally, women moan during sex because silence is a mood killer. No, really it is. Plus, it takes a lot more work to keep quiet than it does to just release your inhibitions and enjoy yourself audibly.

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