Thursday 9 March 2017

Spirits Forcefully Undress Me And Suck My Manhood, Laments Tortured Man.

Eliud Njoroge, 35, has not had sex for the past five years. It is not by choice, but due to very strange circumstances.
Njoroge, who was once married, claims that spirits of two women visit him at night and force him to have oral sex, something that has tormented him for years.
The women, he claims, strip him naked and suck his penis for 45 minutes, non-stop. Once they are done, they vanish, leaving him weak, tired and very thirsty.
The man who hails from Kangemi told The Nairobian that his wife packed and left him after he shared his story.
He is now seeking help from a city preacher in the hope that he will exorcise the spirits, who visit him at least three times in a week.
“The problem started around 2012.That particular night,I heard footsteps and a girl crying outside my house. It was so real.I went out to see what was happening. I saw two women who upon seeing me, vanished, he said, adding that,”Days later, my wife travelled upcountry and the two women appeared again. This time, they came to my bed, forcefully undressed me and started sucking my penis.I was in a lot of pain and didn’t comprehend what was going on. I remember waking up very tired and weak,” he said.
For this reason, Njoroge has been forced to sleep in his clothes, usually wearing two pairs of trousers to bed keep the women away.
“I realised that whenever I slept naked, that is when they attacked me.I am a tormented man.I’ve never had sex for five years because of them” he said.
Speaking to The Nairobian, James Kimani, a neighbour and a close friend, said that Njoroge is suffering in silence.
“He has shared his predicament with me. He is a lonely man after his wife left him” he said.

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