Wednesday 8 March 2017


Did you know that more than 550 women lose their battle against ovarian cancer every year? There are many things that trigger ovarian cancer and some of the typical causes include age, genetic predisposition and improper use of oral contraceptives.
Even though the symptoms of ovarian cancer aren’t obvious, if women are able to identify them before situation gets out of control – they can save their lives. Almost 80% of all women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer when this cancer is already in advanced stage.
Never ignore these 10 symptoms:
  1. Frequent backaches
In case you are not suffering from any type of joint pain or osteoporosis, then these backaches might be a symptom or side effect of developing ovarian cancer

  1. Pain in the stomach and pelvis
If you are experiencing any type of pain in the stomach or the pelvis, don’t ignore. Go and see a doctor immediately!
  1. Irregular cycles
A recent study has confirmed that women older than 55 years are more prone to the dangers of ovarian cancer. Well, this doesn’t mean that young women are completely safe. There are many cases in the world when ovarian cancer appears in girls that haven’t got their first cycle.
  1. Frequent exhaustion for no reason
Nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, poor appetite and feeling tired all the time – these are all symptoms that can be related to women dealing with ovarian cancer. Almost 80% of women have at least one of these symptoms before the ovarian cancer becomes analyzed.
  1. Getting full easily
This, so called sense of fullness is another important and most common symptom of ovarian cancer. Many women in the world are tricked by this symptom. They usually think it’s a digestive problem, but they are definitely wrong. If you experience this symptom, make sure you see a doctor immediately!

  1. Pain during sexual intercourse
According to the Medical News Today magazine, this is another strong symptom and sign that you are in the early stages of ovarian cancer. We can also mention that this refers to the need to urinate more frequently and more urgently, and you will feel pain and pressure in the pelvic area. It doesn’t matter if the pain is less or more painful – make sure you see a doctor immediately!
  1. Vomiting
Jeffrey Stern, a famous American gynecologist, says that ovarian cancer often causes constipation in women. Eventually, this situation leads to nausea, vomiting and weigh loss.
  1. Bloated stomach
If you notice that your belly swells like the one of a pregnant lady, then you should see a doctor immediately. This is another serious sign that you have ovarian cancer.
  1. Excessive growth of hair and dark hair
Even though this is not a usual symptom of ovarian cancer we should not ignore it. It is also worth mentioning that instead of excessive hair growth some women are noticing hair loss.
  1. Frequent constipation
The ovarian cancer has direct impact on the digestive system and the stomach and this impact is the strongest when the ovarian cancer is in the early stage. According to Medline Plus, when you feel pain in the stomach area, other symptoms can occur: digestive problems, loss of appetite and gases. If you notice any of these problems, make sure you see a doctor immediately.

To all the women in the world: if you notice any of these early signs or symptoms of ovarian cancer, make sure you see a doctor immediately. We really hope you enjoyed this post and please share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

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